How To Be A Better Mom

If I’m honest, sometimes I don’t feel like a good mom. I am usually exhausted and bored with the COVID routine. After the toughest days, I go to bed thinking I’m a terrible mom. I know I’m not terrible but sometimes that’s just how I feel. So, I’ve created a list for myself on how to be a better mom. I thought I would share it with all of you in case some of you want to improve with me.

  • Take better care of yourself. Work out, eat healthily, go out, have a hobby, and don’t forget that “me time” is important
  • Rest and take breaks whenever you need them. Ask for help if it will make you happier.
  • Spend less time on your phone. Baby is always watching you. If you don’t want him to be addicted to a phone one day, then show him by example.
  • There is always room for more hugs, kisses and I love you’s.
  • Don’t say no unless you have a good reason to do so.
  • Time with a baby should be a priority over time cleaning, doing laundry, etc. All of that can wait but the baby will only be little for a bit.
  • Do your homework and research about the baby’s needs and how you have to meet them. Playing with him is not enough, you need to engage to encourage his development.
  • Enjoy time with your husband. Don’t forget that he wants to feel loved too.
  • Protect your baby over pleasing others.
  • Be patient. Kids are kids and they shouldn’t be held accountable as if they were adults.
  • There is always time for one more story or song.
  • Smile, laugh, and leave negative thoughts behind. Being a mom is hard but it is also beautiful. Focus on the beautiful part of it.

What else would you add to the list?