Breast Milk Donation

Milk Donation

You have probably heard a lot about the benefits of breast milk. It contains stem cells and antibodies that help babies fight infections, diseases, and even allergies. Breast milk feeding can reduce the risk of SIDS by 36%. It also increases the baby’s IQ between 5 and 8 points. It provides the ideal nutrition for babies.

Did you know that 1 in every 8 babies is born prematurely? These premature babies have a 10 times higher risk of getting intestinal infections if they are fed formula instead of breast milk. Yet, due to health complications and/or medication, over 50% of moms who have premature babies are not able to breastfeed them during the first few weeks of their lives.

This should not prevent babies from having all the amazing benefits of human milk. Nowadays milk banks make it super easy for donors and many even pick the milk up from your house. Pumping a few extra ounces each day and donating them is not hard and you can save lives by doing so.