Sleep Deprivation New Mom

If you ask me what the hardest part of becoming a mom is I will tell you THE LACK OF SLEEP. Maybe it’s something else for you but I have always loved my sleep. Newborns need to eat every 3 hours and then when they can sleep longer they go through sleep regressions. Then you may be able to make your baby sleep longer but another sleep regression hits.

At some point, my baby was waking up 6 times a night. Can you imagine? I do not have much recollection of the few weeks this lasted because I was a complete zombie. Now my baby only wakes up once. Let me give you some advice on how to get there:

1. Establish a routine and always put the baby in bed at the same time. Our routine is: changing into pjs, feeding, brushing teeth, reading, singing, praying, and sleeping.

2. Start your routine early. An overtired baby will have a harder time falling asleep.

3. Do not let your baby get used to falling asleep when eating. If you feed him last in the

bedtime routine then make sure to put him in bed while he is still awake, he can be drowsy but awake. If he falls asleep on your breast and wakes up somewhere completely different he will be scared and start crying for sure when he wakes up instead of falling back asleep.

4. Give your baby 5 minutes before picking him up out of bed. Sometimes babies just have gas or a bad dream that they can get over on their own.

5. Put your baby to sleep in the same place all the time, even for naps!

6. Use a noise machine with the same sound every night.

7. When feeding your baby at night, keep it quiet, and try not to turn the overhead lights on.

This way your baby will understand it’s not time to play yet.

8. You can also try a pacifier. Our baby never liked it but it may work for you. Also, make the

pacifier an “only in bed item” so that you have an easier time getting rid of it when it is time.

9. Adjust your schedule to your baby’s. If he likes to wake up early then do not try to change this.Sleep Deprivation New Mom