Vaccines For Baby

Baby got his two month vaccines yesterday. He cried and screamed like never before. As a parent it was extremely sad to see him like this, yet we understand it is for the best and for him to be at lesser risk of getting certain diseases.

Anyway, I’m not going to argue if vaccines are good or not. That is a personal choice for each parent but if you decide you are having your baby be vaccinated here is some advice:

– Find out what he/she is getting vaccinated for and what these diseases are.

– Ask your doctor what should be expected and for how long (our baby was very fussy and more sleepy than usual)

– Let your baby know what is going on. I believe they understand a lot more that we give them credit for.

– Buy some infant acetaminophen ahead of time because he/she will likely need it afterwards.

– Take his/her favorite toy or blanket to comfort him/her because he/she will be sad after it happens.

– Be ready to breastfeed after it happens.

– Give him/her lots of love.