Sign Language For Babies

Did you know sign language helps babies behave better?

Most babies aren’t born as good communicators and even if he is, it doesn’t mean you’ll always get what he’s trying to tell you. That’s why, as your baby develops you have to teach him some basic gestures, sign language, and eventually words for him to let you know what’s on his mind.

Sign language is one of the most effective means to communicate with your baby since they’re still developing their skills to finally say the first word. Based on one of the research, they suggest that babies should start learning this method early as it pushes them the desire to learn more techniques for them to communicate with you which includes talking.

It helps them communicate their emotions better and therefore be less frustrated!

Start with simple words like more, thanks, please, up, hurt, tired, and milk. Look up videos on YouTube on how to sign each one and most importantly use them constantly in front of the baby!