Safe Sleep For Babies

Safe sleep is perhaps one of the most important things to know about as a parent. Around 3,500 babies die in the U.S. each year due to unsafe sleep. Here are some tips for sleep safety:

– Babies under 3 months need to be wakened up every three hours to eat.

– Baby should sleep in the same bedroom as his/her mom for at least the first 6 months of life (even a year if you can handle it). This will prevent SIDS.

– Baby needs to have his/her own sleeping space. A baby who sleeps in the same bed as his/her parents have a higher risk of suffocation.

– Always place the baby on his/her back for naps and at night.

– Baby’s mattress needs to be firm and the sheets fit.

– No loose blankets should be in the crib.

– Stop swaddling the baby once he/she can roll onto his/her stomach

– Babies should not sleep with any blankets or stuffed animals.

– Crib bumpers/liners are mostly not safe and those that are breathable should be removed once the baby can stand up on his/her own.

– Make sure there are no cords that the baby can reach from the crib.

– Baby must not sleep on a car seat that is not on a base.